Average Collection Period: Understanding Its Importance in Business Finance

AR is listed on corporations’ balance sheets as current assets and measures their liquidity. As such, they indicate their ability to pay off their short-term debts without the need to rely on additional cash flows. The accounts receivable turnover ratio is comprised of net credit sales and accounts receivable.

Stricter Credit Policies

To do that, take the value of your receivables at the start of the period plus the value of the receivables at the end of the period and divide the sum by two. Then divide your average accounts receivable for the period by your net credit sales and multiply by the number of days in the period (365 for a year). By calculating it, you can determine whether it’s time to reconsider your payment terms, your credit policies or with whom you do business. High accounts receivable turnover ratios are more favorable than low ratios because this signifies a company is converting accounts receivables to cash faster. This allows for a company to have more cash quicker to strategically deploy for the use of its operations or growth. Some companies use total sales instead of net sales when calculating their turnover ratio.

What Is Days Sales Outstanding (DSO): The Lifeline of Accounts Receivable

In comparison with previous years, is the business’s ability to collect its receivables increasing (the average collection period ratio is lower) or decreasing (the average collection period ratio is higher). If it’s decreasing in comparison then it means your accounts receivable are losing liquidity and you may need to take positive steps to reverse this trend. The average collection period ratio is often shortened to « average collection period » and can also be referred to as the « ratio of days to sales outstanding. »

Components of the Formula

An alternative means of calculating the average collection period is to multiply the total number of days in the period by the average balance in accounts receivable and then divide by sales for the period. 💡 You can also use the same method to calculate your average collection period for a particular day by dividing your average amount of receivables by your total credit mantra synonym sales of that day. So in order to figure out your ACP, you have to calculate the average balance of accounts receivable for the year, then divide it by the total net sales for the year. The main way to improve the average collection period without imposing overly strict credit policies or short invoice deadlines is to make the collection processes more efficient.

What Is the Average Collection Period Ratio?

But if the average collection period is 45 days and the announced credit policy is net 10 days, that’s significantly worse; your customers are very far from abiding by the credit agreement terms. This calls for a look at your firm’s credit policy and instituting measures to change the situation, including tightening credit requirements or making the credit terms clearer to your customers. The receivables turnover ratio measures the efficiency with which a company is able to collect on its receivables or the credit it extends to customers. The ratio also measures how many times a company’s receivables are converted to cash in a certain period of time.

As such, the beginning and ending values selected when calculating the average accounts receivable should be carefully chosen to accurately reflect the company’s performance. Investors could take an average of accounts receivable from each month during a 12-month period to help smooth out any seasonal gaps. Another limitation is that accounts receivable varies dramatically throughout the year.

Limitations of the Average Collection Period Ratio

To quantify how well your business handles the credit extended to your customers, you need to evaluate how long it takes to collect the outstanding debt throughout your accounting period. If Company ABC aims to collect money owed within 60 days, then the ACP value of 54.72 days would indicate efficiency. However, if their target collection period is 30 days, the ACP value of 54.72 days would be too high, indicating inefficiency in the company’s collection efforts.

Because the calculation is to establish the average collection period for the year, the you must multiply the quotient by 365. Moreover, rushing to collect debts may also result in a cash surplus, https://accounting-services.net/ introducing the problem of having idle cash. If the company is unable to continuously invest the collected funds efficiently, this surplus cash simply sitting idle could represent a cost.

The average collection period must be monitored to ensure a company has enough cash available to take care of its near-term financial responsibilities. In order to calculate the average collection period, divide the average balance of accounts receivable by the total net credit sales for the period. Then multiply the quotient by the total number of days during that specific period. Companies with more complex accounting information systems may be able to easily extract its average accounts receivable balance at the end of each day.

This arrangement allows businesses to receive their stock and pay later, which will be recorded as a trade payable on the balance sheet. According to a PYMNTS report, 88% of businesses automating their AR processes see a significant reduction in their DSO. Automation can also help reduce manual intervention in collection processes, enabling proactive communication with customers and helping in the establishment of appropriate credit limits. At the beginning of the year, your accounts receivable were at $5,000, which increased to $10,000 by year-end.

When evaluating an externally-calculated ratio, ensure you understand how the ratio was calculated. For example, if the company’s distribution division is operating poorly, it might be failing to deliver the correct goods to customers in a timely manner. As a result, customers might delay paying their receivables, which would decrease the company’s receivables turnover ratio. The shorter the average collection period, for obvious reasons, the better for the company.

Generally, you want to keep your average collection period or DSO under 45 days; however, this number can vary by industry. It’s vital that your accounts receivable team closely monitor this metric and keep it as low as possible. Let’s say that at the beginning of a fiscal year, company ABC had accounts receivable outstanding of $46,000. That means the average accounts receivable for the period came to $51,000 ($102,000 / 2).

  1. The denominator of the accounts receivable turnover ratio is the average accounts receivable balance.
  2. The usefulness of average collection period is to inform management of its operations.
  3. It directly impacts the company’s cash flow, liquidity, working capital management, and even its potential for growth and stability.
  4. Companies may also compare the average collection period with the credit terms extended to customers.

The average balance of AR is computed by adding the opening and closing balances of AR and then dividing the total by two. For the sake of simplicity, when calculating the average collection period for a whole year, we choose 365 as the number of days in one year. More information on the formula that is used to calculate the average collection period is provided below.

Average collection period is the number of days it takes to receive payment for goods or services. This metric determines short-term liquidity, which is how able your business is to pay its liabilities. The average collection period ratio is the average number of days it takes a company to collect its accounts receivable. Industries that normally collect payment as soon as a service is rendered (or sometimes even before) tend to have shorter average collection period ratios.

Average collection period can inform you of how effective—or ineffective—your accounts receivable management practices are. It does so by helping you determine short-term liquidity, which is how able your business is to pay its liabilities. Knowing your company’s average collection period ratio can help you determine how effective its credit and collection policies are. Net credit sales are the total of all credit sales minus total returns for the period in question. In most cases, this net credit sales figure is also available from the company’s balance sheet.

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Average collection period is also used to calculate another liquidity measure, the receivables turnover ratio. At its simplest, your company’s average collection period (also called average days receivable) is a number that tells you how long it generally takes your clients to pay you. We can interpret the ratio to mean that Company A collected its receivables 11.76 times on average that year. In other words, the company converted its receivables to cash 11.76 times that year. A company could compare several years to ascertain whether 11.76 is an improvement or an indication of a slower collection process.

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